Making Our Mark Using New Technology
Marksmen is an emerging energy company with an initial focus on exploring and developing light oil assets in Ohio. We are bringing modern exploration technology to under-explored areas. These properties have had significant historic oil production and have not seen any concentrated industry activity for decades.

Advantages of Marksmen’s use of 3D Seismic Technology
3D Seismic is an evolutionary process in the oil and gas industry. 3D Seismic is the very best for technical interpretation.
- Compared to 2D seismic, 3D Seismic provides, with precision, an absolute picture of the depth, shape and geology of oil field target.
- It reduces the risk and pin-points the location of a drilling target which minimizes cost and maximizes production and reserves.
- 3D Seismic blanket surveys cost more that 2D Seismic lines. In the area of Ohio where Marksmen operates, the majority of the family owned, private oil and gas E&P companies do not have the capital for, do not use , possibly never will use, 3D Seismic in their Wildcat drilling operations.
Modern Drilling Practises – Drilling of oil wells is complex and drilling equipment and practises have evolved over the years from old fashioned wooden derricks using cable tool technology in the late 1800’s to modern highly efficient computerized rigs today. Marksmen’s first wells in 2014 and 2015 were drilled by our partner as operator with limited success – there were technical problems related to drilling fluid systems, casing programs, cementing of casing etc. Marksmen became the operator of the Davis Holbrook well and drilled it using more modern techniques and the result was the best well of recent times in Pickaway County, Ohio.
Leadership & Expertise
Marksmen’s leadership team has extensive experience in the profitable development of old oil fields in Ohio and the identification of previously overlooked resource opportunities.